; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CHECKED_UPDATES="Checked for updates." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_CUSTOMURL_DESC="This is a custom XML update source URL, used only when the "Update Source" option is set to "Custom URL"." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_CUSTOMURL_LABEL="Custom URL" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_SOURCES_DESC="Configure where Joomla gets its update information from." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_SOURCES_LABEL="Update Source" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_CUSTOM="Custom URL" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_CUSTOM_ERROR="The custom URL field is empty." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_DEFAULT="Default" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_DESC="The update channel Joomla will use to find out if there is an update available." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_LABEL="Update Channel" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_NEXT="Joomla Next" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIG_UPDATESOURCE_TESTING="Testing" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_CONFIGURATION="Joomla Update: Options" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_FAILED_TO_CHECK_UPDATES="Failed to check for updates." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_TOOLBAR_CHECK="Check for Updates" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_OVERVIEW="Joomla Update" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_CLEANUP="Cleaning up after installation." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_COMPLETE="Update to version %s is complete." ; The following two strings are deprecated and will be removed with 4.0 COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_CONFIRM_FINALISE="The confirm for the finalise step has passed." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_CONFIRM_FINALISE_FAIL="The confirm of the finalise step has failed" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_DELETE_FILES="Deleting removed files and folders." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_FILE="File %s downloaded." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_FINALISE="Finalising installation." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_INSTALL="Starting installation of new version." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_START="Update started by user %2$s (%1$s). Old version is %3$s." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATE_LOG_URL="Downloading update file from %s." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_COMPLETE_HEADING="Joomla Version Update Status" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_COMPLETE_MESSAGE="Your site has been updated. Your Joomla version is now %s." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS="Downloading update file. Please wait ..." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_NO_DOWNLOAD_URL="We can't find a download URL" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_NO_DOWNLOAD_URL_DESC="An update to Joomla %1$s was found, but it wasn't possible to fetch the download URL for that update. There are two possibilities why this happens:
- Your host doesn't support the minimum requirements for Joomla %1$s and there is no alternative download for your configuration available.
- There is a problem with the Joomla Update Server.

Please try to download the update package from the official Joomla download page and use the Upload and Update tab." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_NO_LIVE_UPDATE="Live Update is not available" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_NO_LIVE_UPDATE_DESC="There is a new version of the Joomla Update Component that needs to be installed first. Click here to update the component." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_FTP_DIRECTORY="FTP Root" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_FTP_HOSTNAME="FTP Host" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_FTP_PASSWORD="FTP Password" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT="FTP Port" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_FTP_USERNAME="FTP Username" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_INFOURL="Additional Information" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_INSTALL_SELF_UPDATE_FIRST="You must update to the latest version of the Joomla Update Component before you can install the Joomla Core Update!" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_INSTALLAGAIN="Reinstall Joomla core files" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_INSTALLED="Installed Joomla version" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_INSTALLUPDATE="Install the Update" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_LATEST="Latest Joomla version" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_METHOD_DIRECT="Write files directly" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_METHOD_FTP="Write files using FTP" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_METHOD_HYBRID="Hybrid (use FTP only if needed)" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_METHOD="Installation method" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_NOUPDATES="No updates available." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_NOUPDATESNOTICE="You already have the latest Joomla version, %s." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_PACKAGE="Update package URL" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_REINSTALL="Reinstall package URL" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_TAB_ONLINE="Live Update" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_TAB_UPLOAD="Upload & Update" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPDATE_NOTICE="Before you update Joomla, ensure that the installed extensions are available for the new Joomla version." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPDATEFOUND="A Joomla update was found." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPDATES_INFO_CUSTOM="You are on the "%s" update channel. This is not an official Joomla update channel." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPDATES_INFO_DEFAULT="You are on the "%s" update channel. Through this channel you'll receive notifications for all updates of the current Joomla release (3.x)" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPDATES_INFO_NEXT="You are on the "%s" update channel. Through this channel you'll receive notifications for all updates of the current Joomla release (3.x) and you will also be notified when the future major release (4.x) will be available. Before upgrading to 4.x you'll need to assess its compatibility with your environment." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPDATES_INFO_TESTING="You are on the "%s" update channel. This channel is designed for testing new releases and fixes in Joomla.
It is only intended for JBS (Joomla Bug Squad™) members and others within the Joomla community who are testing. Do not use this setting on a production site." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_DEFAULT_UPLOAD_INTRO="You can use this feature to update Joomla if your server is behind a firewall or otherwise unable to contact the update servers. First download the Joomla Upgrade Package in ZIP format from the official Joomla download page. Then use the fields below to upload and install it." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_PROGRESS="Update progress" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_BYTESEXTRACTED="Bytes extracted" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_BYTESREAD="Bytes read" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_DOWNLOADFAILED="Download of update package failed." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_FILESEXTRACTED="Files extracted" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_FINALISE_CONFIRM_AND_CONTINUE="Confirm & Continue" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_FINALISE_HEAD="Joomla Update is finishing and cleaning up" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_FINALISE_HEAD_DESC="To complete the update Process please confirm your identity by re-entering the login information for your site "%s" below." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_INPROGRESS="Updating your Joomla files. Please wait ..." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPDATE_PERCENT="Percent complete" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPLOAD_CAPTIVE_INTRO_BODY="Make sure that the update file you have uploaded comes from the official Joomla download page. Afterwards, please confirm that you want to install it by re-entering the login information for your site "%s" below." COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPLOAD_CAPTIVE_INTRO_HEAD="Are you sure you want to install the file you uploaded?" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_VIEW_UPLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE="Joomla package file" COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_XML_DESCRIPTION="Updates Joomla to the latest version with one click."