; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_TAGS="Tags" COM_TAGS_ALL="All" COM_TAGS_ALL_TAGS_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Description to display at the heading of tags list." COM_TAGS_ALL_TAGS_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Heading Description" COM_TAGS_ALL_TAGS_MEDIA_DESC="Select or upload the image to display in the heading of the tags list." COM_TAGS_ALL_TAGS_MEDIA_LABEL="Heading Image File" COM_TAGS_ANY="Any" COM_TAGS_BASE_ADD_TITLE="Tags: New" COM_TAGS_BASE_EDIT_TITLE="Tags: Edit" COM_TAGS_BASIC_FIELDSET_LABEL="Options" COM_TAGS_BATCH_CANNOT_CREATE="You are not allowed to create new tags." COM_TAGS_BATCH_CANNOT_EDIT="You are not allowed to edit tags." COM_TAGS_BATCH_OPTIONS="Batch process the selected tags" COM_TAGS_BATCH_TIP="Actions will apply to chosen Tags." COM_TAGS_COMPACT_COLUMNS_LABEL="Number of Columns" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_TAG_MIN_LENGTH_LABEL="Minimum Search Length" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_TAG_MIN_LENGTH_DESC="This setting controls the minimum character length for the search and adding tags using the tags field Ajax mode." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_ALL_TAGS_FIELD_LAYOUT_DESC="Choose a default layout for List of all tags." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_ALL_TAGS_FIELD_LAYOUT_LABEL="Default List All Tags Layout" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_ALL_TAGS_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for a List of all Tags unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_ALL_TAGS_SETTINGS_LABEL="List All Tags" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_DATA_ENTRY_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings control the way tags are entered." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_DATA_ENTRY_SETTINGS_LABEL="Data Entry" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_INTEGRATION_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings determine how the Tags Component will integrate with other extensions." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS="Number of Items Tagged" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_SELECTION_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings control which items get selected in the Tagged Items list layouts." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_SELECTION_SETTINGS_LABEL="Item Selection" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_SHARED_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply to all tag layouts unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_SHARED_SETTINGS_LABEL="Shared Layout" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_TAG_SETTINGS_DESC="These settings apply for a Tagged Items List or Compact List of Tagged Items unless they are changed for a specific menu item." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_TAG_SETTINGS_LABEL="Tagged Items" COM_TAGS_CONFIG_TAGGED_ITEMS_FIELD_LAYOUT_DESC="Choose a default layout for tagged items. This layout will be used when a user selects a tag that doesn't have a menu item defined." COM_TAGS_CONFIG_TAGGED_ITEMS_FIELD_LAYOUT_LABEL="Default Tagged Items Layout" COM_TAGS_CONFIGURATION="Tags: Options" COM_TAGS_COUNT_ARCHIVED_ITEMS="Archived items" COM_TAGS_COUNT_PUBLISHED_ITEMS="Published items" COM_TAGS_COUNT_TRASHED_ITEMS="Trashed items" COM_TAGS_COUNT_UNPUBLISHED_ITEMS="Unpublished items" COM_TAGS_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED="Delete not allowed for tag %s." COM_TAGS_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Enter an optional tag description in the text area." COM_TAGS_ERROR_UNIQUE_ALIAS="Another Tag has the same alias (remember it may be a trashed item)." COM_TAGS_EXCLUDE="Exclude" COM_TAGS_FIELD_CONFIG_HITS_DESC="Displays the number of hits." COM_TAGS_FIELD_CONFIG_TAGDESCRIPTION_DESC="Configure com_tags." COM_TAGS_FIELD_CONFIG_TAGDESCRIPTION_LABEL="Tags" COM_TAGS_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_DESC="Only tagged items of these types will be displayed." COM_TAGS_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_LABEL="Content types" COM_TAGS_FIELD_CREATED_DATE_DESC="The date and time that the tag was created." COM_TAGS_FIELD_FULL_DESC="Select or upload an image that will be displayed in the single tag view." COM_TAGS_FIELD_FULL_LABEL="Full Image" COM_TAGS_FIELD_HITS_DESC="Number of hits for this tag." COM_TAGS_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_DESC="Alt text for the image." COM_TAGS_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_LABEL="Alt" COM_TAGS_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_DESC="Caption for the image." COM_TAGS_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_LABEL="Caption" COM_TAGS_FIELD_IMAGE_DESC="Select or upload an image for this tag." COM_TAGS_FIELD_IMAGE_LABEL="Image" COM_TAGS_FIELD_INTRO_DESC="Select or upload an image that will be displayed as part of a list." COM_TAGS_FIELD_INTRO_LABEL="Teaser Image" COM_TAGS_FIELD_ITEM_BODY_DESC="Show the body for each item." COM_TAGS_FIELD_LANGUAGE_DESC="Assign a language to this tag." COM_TAGS_FIELD_LANGUAGE_FILTER_DESC="Optionally filter the list of tags based on language." COM_TAGS_FIELD_LANGUAGE_FILTER_LABEL="Language Filter" COM_TAGS_FIELD_MODIFIED_DESC="The date and time that the tag was last modified." COM_TAGS_FIELD_NOTE_DESC="An optional note to display in the tag list." COM_TAGS_FIELD_NOTE_LABEL="Note" COM_TAGS_FIELD_NUMBER_ITEMS_LIST_DESC="Default number of tagged items to list on a page." COM_TAGS_FIELD_NUMBER_ITEMS_LIST_LABEL="# Items to List" COM_TAGS_FIELD_PARENT_DESC="Select a parent tag." COM_TAGS_FIELD_PARENT_LABEL="Parent" COM_TAGS_FIELD_PARENT_TAG_DESC="If set only tags that are direct children of the selected tag will be displayed." COM_TAGS_FIELD_PARENT_TAG_LABEL="Parent Tag" COM_TAGS_FIELD_SELECT_TAG_DESC="Select one or more tags." COM_TAGS_FIELD_TAG_BODY_DESC="Show or hide the tag description." COM_TAGS_FIELD_TAG_BODY_LABEL="Description." COM_TAGS_FIELD_TAG_LABEL="Tag" COM_TAGS_FIELD_TAG_LINK_CLASS="CSS Class for tag link" COM_TAGS_FIELD_TAG_LINK_CLASS_DESC="Add specific CSS classes for the tag link. If empty 'label label-info' will be added by the default tag layout." COM_TAGS_FIELD_TYPE_DESC="Only tags of the selected types will be displayed (optional)." COM_TAGS_FIELD_TYPE_LABEL="Content Type" COM_TAGS_FIELDSET_DETAILS="Tag Details" COM_TAGS_FIELDSET_OPTIONS="Options" COM_TAGS_FIELDSET_PUBLISHING="Publishing" COM_TAGS_FIELDSET_TAGGED_ITEMS="Tagged Items" COM_TAGS_FIELDSET_URLS_AND_IMAGES="Links and Images" COM_TAGS_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC="Search in tag title, alias and note. Prefix with ID: to search for a tag ID." COM_TAGS_FILTER_SEARCH_LABEL="Search Tags" COM_TAGS_FLOAT_DESC="Float attribute for the image." COM_TAGS_FLOAT_LABEL="Float" COM_TAGS_HAS_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS="%d items are assigned to this tag's subtags." COM_TAGS_HAS_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_1="%d item is assigned to one of this tag's subtags." COM_TAGS_INCLUDE="Include" COM_TAGS_INCLUDE_CHILDREN_DESC="Include or exclude child tags from the result list for a tag." COM_TAGS_INCLUDE_CHILDREN_LABEL="Child Tags" COM_TAGS_ITEM_OPTIONS="Item Options" COM_TAGS_ITEMS_SEARCH_FILTER="Search" COM_TAGS_LEFT="Left" COM_TAGS_LIST_ALL_SELECTION_OPTIONS="Selection Options" COM_TAGS_LIST_MAX_CHARACTERS_DESC="The maximum number of characters to display from the description in each tag." COM_TAGS_LIST_MAX_CHARACTERS_LABEL="Maximum Characters" COM_TAGS_LIST_MAX_DESC="The maximum number of results to return." COM_TAGS_LIST_MAX_LABEL="Maximum Items" COM_TAGS_LIST_SELECTION_OPTIONS="Item Selection Options" COM_TAGS_MANAGER_TAGS="Tags" COM_TAGS_MATCH_COUNT="Number of matching tags" COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED="%d tags archived." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_ARCHIVED_1="%d tag archived." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_0="No tag checked in." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_1="%d tag checked in." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_CHECKED_IN_MORE="%d tags checked in." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_DELETED="%d tags deleted." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_DELETED_1="%d tag deleted." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_FAILED_PUBLISHING="Failed publishing %d tags as at least one of their parents is unpublished or one of their children is checked out." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_FAILED_PUBLISHING_1="Failed publishing %d tag as at least one of its parents is unpublished or one of its children is checked out." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED="%d tags published." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED_1="%d tag published." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_TRASHED="%d tags trashed." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_TRASHED_1="%d tag trashed." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED="%d tags unpublished." COM_TAGS_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED_1="%d tag unpublished." COM_TAGS_NONE="None" COM_TAGS_NUMBER_COLUMNS_DESC="Number of columns to arrange the tags in. Note that this may not be the number displayed if 12 does not divide evenly into it because display is based on a 12 column grid." COM_TAGS_NUMBER_TAG_ITEMS_DESC="Shows the number of items with a given tag." COM_TAGS_NUMBER_TAG_ITEMS_LABEL="Show Number of Items" COM_TAGS_OPTIONS="Tag Options" COM_TAGS_PAGINATION_OPTIONS="Pagination Options" COM_TAGS_REBUILD_FAILURE="Failed rebuilding Tags tree data." COM_TAGS_REBUILD_SUCCESS="Tags tree data rebuilt." COM_TAGS_RIGHT="Right" COM_TAGS_SAVE_SUCCESS="Tag saved." COM_TAGS_SEARCH_TYPE_DESC="All will return items that have all of the tags. Any will return items that have at least one of the tags." COM_TAGS_SEARCH_TYPE_LABEL="Match Type" COM_TAGS_SELECT_TAGTYPE="- Select Tag Type -" COM_TAGS_SHOW_ALL_TAGS_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Optional description to show at the top of the all tags list." COM_TAGS_SHOW_ALL_TAGS_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Heading Description" COM_TAGS_SHOW_ALL_TAGS_IMAGE_DESC="Shows an image at the heading of the tags list." COM_TAGS_SHOW_ALL_TAGS_IMAGE_LABEL="Show Heading Image" COM_TAGS_SHOW_EMPTY_TAG_DESC="Show empty tags." COM_TAGS_SHOW_ITEM_BODY_DESC="Show or hide the body text for the tagged items." COM_TAGS_SHOW_ITEM_BODY_LABEL="Item Body" COM_TAGS_SHOW_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Show or hide the description for each tag listed." COM_TAGS_SHOW_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Tag Descriptions" COM_TAGS_SHOW_ITEM_IMAGE_DESC="Shows the first image for each item in the list." COM_TAGS_SHOW_ITEM_IMAGE_LABEL="Item Images" COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_BODY_DESC="For a layout with one tag, show the tag description." COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_BODY_LABEL="Show Tag Description" COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Show or hide the description for the tag (only used when a single tag is selected)." COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Tag Description" COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_IMAGE_DESC="For a layout with one tag, show the image for the tag." COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_IMAGE_LABEL="Tag Image" COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_LIST_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Description" COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_TITLE_DESC="For a layout with one tag, show the tag name." COM_TAGS_SHOW_TAG_TITLE_LABEL="Show Tag Name" COM_TAGS_SUBSLIDER_DRILL_TAG_LIST_LABEL="Options for each item in the list." COM_TAGS_TAG_FIELD_MODE_AJAX="AJAX" COM_TAGS_TAG_FIELD_MODE_DESC="Ajax mode searches tags while typing and allows you on the fly tag creation. Nested tags show you a nested view with all the available tags." COM_TAGS_TAG_FIELD_MODE_LABEL="Tag Entry Mode" COM_TAGS_TAG_FIELD_MODE_NESTED="Nested" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Optional description to show at the top of the list. For example, this can be used when you have a layout that includes more than one tag." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Layout Description" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_FIELD_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Item Body" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Shows the body text for the individual items (depends on the source table)." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_ITEM_HITS_DESC="Shows the number of hits for each individual item." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_MEDIA_DESC="Select or upload the tag image (full image)." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_MEDIA_LABEL="Image" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_DATE_DESC="Show Date" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_DATE_LABEL="Show or hide a date column in the compact list layout. Select Hide to hide the date, or select which date you wish to show." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_HEADINGS_DESC="Show or hide the headings in the compact list layout." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_HEADINGS_LABEL="Table Headings" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_ITEM_IMAGE_DESC="Shows the image for each item." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_ITEM_IMAGE_LABEL="Item Image" COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Show or hide the description for each item in the list. The length may be limited using the Maximum Characters option." COM_TAGS_TAG_LIST_SHOW_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_LABEL="Item Description" COM_TAGS_TAG_VIEW_LIST_DESC="Displays a compact list of items with the selected tags." COM_TAGS_TAG_VIEW_LIST_OPTION="List view options" COM_TAGS_TAG_VIEW_LIST_TITLE="Tagged items list" COM_TAGS_TAGGED_ITEMS_ACCESS="Access" COM_TAGS_TAGGED_ITEMS_AUTHOR="Author" COM_TAGS_TAGGED_ITEMS_DATE="Date" COM_TAGS_TAGGED_ITEMS_ID="ID" COM_TAGS_TAGGED_ITEMS_LANGUAGE="Language" COM_TAGS_TAGGED_ITEMS_TITLE="Title" COM_TAGS_XML_DESCRIPTION="This component manages tags." JGLOBAL_NO_ITEM_SELECTED="No tags selected"