; Joomla! Project
; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php
; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8
PLG_AUTH_COOKIE_ERROR_LOG_INVALIDATED_COOKIES="The authentication tokens were invalidated for user %u because there was no matching record."
PLG_AUTH_COOKIE_ERROR_LOG_LOGIN_FAILED="Cookie login failed for user %u."
PLG_AUTH_COOKIE_FIELD_COOKIE_LIFETIME_DESC="The number of days until the authentication cookie will expire. Other factors may cause it to expire before this. Longer lengths are less secure."
PLG_AUTH_COOKIE_FIELD_KEY_LENGTH_DESC="The length of the key to use to encrypt the cookie. Longer lengths are more secure, but they will slow performance."
PLG_AUTH_COOKIE_XML_DESCRIPTION="Handles Joomla's cookie User authentication.
Warning! You must have at least one other authentication plugin enabled.
You will also need a plugin such as the System - Remember Me plugin to implement cookie login."
PLG_AUTHENTICATION_COOKIE="Authentication - Cookie"