; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_AUTHENTICATION_GMAIL="Authentication - Gmail" PLG_GMAIL_ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED_OR_NOT_ACTIVATED="Your local account is disabled or not activated." PLG_GMAIL_ERROR_LOCAL_USERNAME_CONFLICT="A local username conflicts with your Gmail username." PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_APPLYSUFFIX_DESC="Options for applying the suffix: Don't apply the suffix, only apply the suffix if missing (any user supplied suffix will be used) or always apply the suffix replacing any user supplied suffix." PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_APPLYSUFFIX_LABEL="Apply Username Suffix" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_BACKEND_LOGIN_DESC="Allow Backend login via Gmail account?" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_BACKEND_LOGIN_LABEL="Backend Login" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_SUFFIX_DESC="A suffix to use for the username, typically gmail.com (or googlemail.com) is the suffix but you may wish to use a Google Apps for Your Domain suffix, this doesn't include the @ symbol. If left blank username suffix will be ignored." PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_SUFFIX_LABEL="Username Suffix" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_USER_BLACKLIST_DESC="A list of usernames not permitted to log in via the Gmail plugin. The usernames should be separated by a comma." PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_USER_BLACKLIST_LABEL="User Blacklist" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_VALUE_APPLYSUFFIXALWAYS="Always use suffix" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_VALUE_APPLYSUFFIXMISSING="Apply suffix if missing" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_VALUE_NOAPPLYSUFFIX="Don't Apply Suffix" PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_VERIFYPEER_DESC="Verify the peer connection using a CA certificate. In some situations authentication will fail due to certificate issues, disabling this should resolve the situation in that case." PLG_GMAIL_FIELD_VERIFYPEER_LABEL="Verify Peer" PLG_GMAIL_XML_DESCRIPTION="Handles User Authentication with a Gmail or Googlemail account (Requires cURL).
Users may need to enable Access for less secure apps at https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps to be able to log in using this method.
Warning! You must have at least one authentication plugin enabled or you will lose all access to your site."