; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION="System - Joomla! Update Notification" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_EMAIL_LBL="Super User Emails" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_EMAIL_DESC="A comma separated list of the email addresses which will receive the update notification emails. The addresses in the list MUST belong to existing users of your site who have the Super User privilege. If none of the listed emails belongs to Super Users, or if it's left blank, all Super Users of this site will receive the update notification email." ; You can use the following merge codes: ; [NEWVERSION] New Joomla! version, e.g. 1.2.3 ; [CURVERSION] Currently installed Joomla! version, e.g. 1.2.0 ; [SITENAME] Site name, as set in Global Configuration. ; [URL] URL of the site's frontend page. ; [LINK] Update URL (link to com_joomlaupdate, will request login if the Super User isn't already logged in). ; [RELEASENEWS] URL to the release news on joomla.org ; \n Newline character. Use it to start a new line in the email. PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT="Joomla! Update available for [SITENAME] – [URL]" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_EMAIL_BODY="This email IS NOT sent by Joomla.org. It is sent automatically by your own site,\n[SITENAME] - [URL] \n\n================================================================================\nUPDATE INFORMATION\n================================================================================\n\nYour site has discovered that there is an updated version of Joomla! available for download.\n\nJoomla! version currently installed: [CURVERSION]\nJoomla! version available for installation: [NEWVERSION]\n\nThis email is sent to you by your site to remind you of this fact.\nThe Joomla! project will never contact you directly about available updates of Joomla! on your site.\n\n================================================================================\nUPDATE INSTRUCTIONS\n================================================================================\n\nTo install the update on [SITENAME] please select the following link. (If the URL is not a link, copy & paste it to your browser).\n\nUpdate link: [LINK]\n\nRelease News can be found here: [RELEASENEWS]\n\n================================================================================\nWHY AM I RECEIVING THIS EMAIL?\n================================================================================\n\nThis email has been automatically sent by a plugin provided by Joomla!, the software which powers your site.\nThis plugin looks for updated versions of Joomla! and sends an email notification to its administrators.\nYou will receive several similar emails from your site until you either update the software or disable these emails.\n\nTo disable these emails, please unpublish the 'System - Joomla! Update Notification' plugin in the Plugin Manager on your site.\n\nIf you do not understand what Joomla! is and what you need to do please do not contact the Joomla! project.\nThey are NOT sending you this email and they cannot help you. Instead, please contact the person who built or manages your site.\n\nIf you are the person who built or manages your website, please note that this plugin may have been activated automatically when you installed or updated Joomla! on your site.\n\n================================================================================\nWHO SENT ME THIS EMAIL?\n================================================================================\n\nThis email is sent to you by your own site, [SITENAME]" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE_LBL="Email Language" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE_DESC="If you choose Auto (default), the update notification email to Super Users will be in the site language at the time the plugin is triggered. By selecting a language here you are forcing the update notification emails to be sent in this specific language." PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE_NONE="Auto" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_POSTINSTALL_UPDATECACHETIME="The Joomla! Update Notification will not run in this configuration" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_POSTINSTALL_UPDATECACHETIME_BODY="In your Installer Configuration you have set the Option Update Cache (in Hours) to 0 this means that Joomla is not caching the Update. This means an email should be sent on every page visit but this is not possible. Please increase the value (6 is default) or confirm that the Joomla! Update Notification will never send you mails." PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_POSTINSTALL_UPDATECACHETIME_ACTION="Set it back to the default setting (6 Hours)" PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_XML_DESCRIPTION="This plugin periodically checks for the availability of new Joomla! versions. When one is found it will send you an email, reminding you to update Joomla!. Pro Tip: You can customise the email message by overriding the language string keys PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT and PLG_SYSTEM_UPDATENOTIFICATION_EMAIL_BODY."