; Joomla! Project ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY="Two Factor Authentication - YubiKey" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_ERR_VALIDATIONFAILED="You did not enter a valid YubiKey secret code or the YubiCloud servers are unreachable at this time." PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_INTRO="This feature allows you to use a YubiKey secure hardware token for two factor authentication. In addition to your username and password you will also need to insert your YubiKey into your computer's USB port, select inside the Secret Key area of the site's login area and touch YubiKey's gold disk. The secret code generated by your YubiKey is unique to your device and changes constantly. This provides extra protection against hackers logging in to your account even if they were able to get hold of your password." PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_METHOD_TITLE="YubiKey" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_RESET_HEAD="Your YubiKey is already linked to your user account." PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_TOTP_RESET_TEXT="Your YubiKey is already linked to your user account. If you want to unlink your YubiKey from your user account or use another YubiKey, please first disable two factor authentication and save your user profile. Then come back to this user profile page and re-activate two factor authentication with the YubiKey method." PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SECTION_ADMIN="Administrator (Backend)" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SECTION_BOTH="Both" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SECTION_DESC="In which sections of your site do you want to enable two factor authentication?" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SECTION_LABEL="Site Section" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SECTION_SITE="Site (Frontend)" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_SECURITYCODE="Security Code" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_STEP1_HEAD="Set up" PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_STEP1_TEXT="Please insert your YubiKey device into your computer's USB port. Select the Security Code field below. Then touch the gold disk on your YubiKey device for one second. Afterwards, please save your user profile. If the code generated by your YubiKey is validated by YubiCloud the Two Factor Authentication feature will be enabled and this YubiKey will be linked with your user account." PLG_TWOFACTORAUTH_YUBIKEY_XML_DESCRIPTION="Allows users on your site to use two factor authentication using a YubiKey secure hardware token. Users need their own Yubikey available from https://www.yubico.com/. To use two factor authentication users have to edit their user profile and enable two factor authentication."